报告题目:Stochastic Cumulative DNN Inferencefor Intelligent IoT Applications
报告人:庄卫华教授 加拿大滑铁卢大学
时 间:2023年4月13日星期四上午10:00-11:30
地 点:科学会堂二楼报告厅
4月13日星期四上午,南京邮电大学荣誉教授、加拿大皇家学会院士、加拿大科学院院士、加拿大工程院院士、IEEE Fellow、加拿大滑铁卢大学庄卫华教授将受邀来我院作“StochasticCumulative DNN Inference for Intelligent IoT Applications”专题报告。本次专题报告以促进学术研究为目的,激发校内师生的科研热情,进一步营造校内的学术氛围,推动学科探究,促进我校的学术交流。
Artificialintelligence models will continue to be pervasively deployed to support diverseintelligent Internet of Things (IoT) applications in the 5G/6G era. Many suchapplications rely on deep neuralnetworks (DNN) for object classification. Inthis presentation, DNN inference uses a pre-trained DNN model to process aninput datasample such as raw sensing data, and generates a classificationresult.We will discuss when to offload DNN inference computation from resourceconstrained IoT devices to the edge and how to incorporate differentcontributions from multiple random DNN inference results to improve taskclassification accuracy, while achieving high transmission, computation, andenergy resource utilization.
Weihua Zhuang is a University Professorand a Tier I Canada Research Chair in WirelessCommunication Networks atUniversity of Waterloo, Canada. Her research focuses on network architecture,algorithms and protocols, and service provisioning in future communicationsystems. She was the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on VehicularTechnology from 2007 to 2013, General Co-Chair of 2021 IEEE/CIC InternationalConference on Communications in China (ICCC), Technical Program Chair/Co-Chairof 2017/2016 IEEE VTC Fall, and Technical Program Symposia Chair of 2011 IEEEGlobecom. Sheis an elected member of the Board of Governors and the Presidentof the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. Dr. Zhuang is a Fellowof the IEEE,Royal Society of Canada, Canadian Academy of Engineering, and EngineeringInstitute of Canada.
庄卫华是加拿大滑铁卢大学的大学教授和一级加拿大无线通信网络研究主席。她的研究重点是网络架构、算法和协议,以及未来通信系统中的服务供应。她曾担任2007年至2013年《IEEE车辆技术汇刊》的编辑兼总编辑,2021 IEEE/CIC中国通信国际会议(ICCC)总联合主席,2017/2016 IEEE VTC秋季技术项目主席/联合主席,以及2011 IEEE Globecom技术项目研讨会主席。她是当选的理事会成员和IEEE车辆技术协会主席。庄博士是IEEE会士、加拿大皇家学会院士、加拿大工程院院士和加拿大工程研究院院士。